New Song / Video : Promise Me

Okay – the song is actually from 2014… the video is new though. I finished it yesterday. It’s an animation made out of simple graphics (at least one of which appeared quite a lot in Wild Poppy posters/t-shirts/badges), and a photo of fence/sky on a moody day take on the road just north of the town Ian was living in, before he moved upstairs, so to speak.

Alan played me this song that he’d recorded in his front-room, and I was all “Far out – that’s excellent, we should make a studio version of it”, so we got me and Rich and Alan and Benny (a really proficient bass-player from my home town – Wanganui)… and spent a couple of days recording it.

Not quite The Wild Poppies, because Andrew was in Portugal – and to this very day, Alan has kept the identity of the girl singing it a secret. I think she’s in Christchurch now.

We basically spent one day recording and mixing, and another day trying to get rid of imaginary cricket-sounds that only Alan could hear. He can still hear them apparently. I included cricket sounds at the beginning of the video just to be annoying. I also quite like cricket sounds.

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